
Manage Your Business in One App!

All-In-One App to manage your business, to Work Smarter, Grow Faster, and Achieve Success.
Accelerate Your Business With Manast AlFnr!

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About App

#1 App For Your Business

A single-stop app to view and manage your business

App Features

Awesome Features

Let the world know about you business

Establish Business Record - Register your company easily for free

Brighten your Business - Determine the location of your business worldwide

Show your Strengths - Define your trade activities

Automate - Dates & Reminders

Staff Enrollment

Forget Papers - Add record of your staff

Tight Link - Connect with your staff activities

Reports - Get all reports at your fingertips

Automate - Dates & Reminders

Business Card

Digital Card - Automatic generation of business cards

Multiple Cards - Generate Multiple Cards based on your business activities

Share Card - Generate Cards can shared on multiple channels.

Smart Attendance

Smart Attendance - No need for attendance machines, or cameras

Reports - Keep record of attendance smartly

Automate - Seamless communication for good or poor attendance with staff


Simplify Your Billing Process - Our advanced invoicing system guarantees precision and reliability.

Streamline Your Billing Workflow with Ease

Customizable Invoice Templates

Let The World Know About Your business!

Establish Business Record

Register your company easily for free

Brighten Your Business

Determine the location of your business worldwide

Show Your Strengths

Define your trade activities


Dates and Reminders


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